Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fall Leaves=Family Photo

Today was such a fun day! The kids wanted to make some cupcakes, and I just so happened to have some Rainbow Chip frosting and cake mix! Sooo while they were sleeping I made the cupcakes and when they woke up I let them decorate. 
Lucas was more interested in eating the sprinkles...

Hannah was being very meticulous about her decorating. She took her time decorating one while Lucas decorated 3.

Lucas was super pleased with himself. He decided he was done decorating and just wanted to eat.
Here is our tower of cupcakes!!

When Cole got home he asked if we wanted to go outside so we put coats on and headed out into the back yard. There were piles and piles of leaves so the kids decided to get a rake.

Lillian and mommy. She loves going outside! You can see the kids behind us hard at work.

We made a huge pile of leaves and thought the kids would like to be tossed into the middle of it. Who doesn't have a childhood memory of jumping in leaves?!
Lucas thought it was crap. He didn't like being thrown into a pile of decaying foliage

Hannah on the other hand thought it was AMAZING!

Lillian wasn't sure what to do about the leaves around her. She started to slowly sink in then decided she wanted out.We put her on the ground away from the giant pile. She immediately started to eat the leaves.
She is such a pretty girl! We feel so blessed to have such a beautiful baby girl in our life. 

We even managed to snap a Family pic!

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