Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sickness and a Soup Day

Well this past week was Hannah's first day of Pre-K Preschool here in Laramie. She goes 3 days a week (MWF) from 830-2. That is a long day for a little girl who is used to taking naps! Good news is she loved it. There are 10 kids in her class and she has a wonderful teacher! It's a really great school too and I think it is really going to prepare her for Kindergarten. 
After she was done on Monday we picked her up and went as a family to the rec center. It is a really cool place! There is a jungle gym and a lazy river. The kids thought it was great so we have made a plan to go at least once a week on the days Cole is off of work.

The kids are doing great. Lillian is continuing to grow like a weed! (A very chubby one :-) She loves to eat Gerber Chicken Noodle Dinner, and she is addicted to the banana puffs. She now sits up all by herself to play, AND she said MAMA the other day. I swear! Cole even heard it.

So on Tuesday I started to have a headache around 2pm and by the end of the day it was so bad I threw up and thought I was going to die (not literally). The headache continued the rest of the week. It was worse when I stood so I spent the last few days lying down being lazy to keep the headache at bay. Today I felt somewhat better. THANK GOODNESS! The headache is not completely gone but I think it is going away. Anyways, I felt like I needed some soup. So I made my favorite: French Onion! It was my first time making it and it was soooo good!


  1. I need to go to the pool with you next time. And the soup was delicious!!

  2. I started reading your blog because I love your family. You seriously have the cutest kids. I can't believe Hannah is in pre-school. What a big girl. Laters.

  3. Ah so wonderful! Thanks for keeping us updated! Love you guys! Megs and G!

  4. I totally love your blog! I'm glad you are feeling better and that your wicked headache has subsided. I'm going to add your bloglink to my blog list on mine if that's okay with you. Oh and have I mentioned lately what adorable kiddos you have! See you for Turkey day!
